Saturday, February 4, 2012

Discovering the Tropics

Five Optimum days of the year that helps in discovering the tropics These five optimum days have different names in the temperates and in the tropics. Five Optimum Days of the temperate: The end of June 21, September 23, December 21, March 21 and June 21. Five Optimum days of the tropics : End of Sene 14, Meskaram 13, Thahisas 12, Megabit 12 and Sene 14
Five Optimum days of the year that helps in discovering the tropics These five optimum days have different names in the temperates and in the tropics. Five Optimum Days of the temperate: The end of June 21, September 23, December 21, March 21 and June 21. Five Optimum days of the tropics : End of Sene 14, Meskaram 13, Thahisas 12, Megabit 12 and Sene 14.


Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Pagume is 5/6 faster rotaions of earth in the tropics.

Pagume is five or six faster  rotations of earth in the tropical latitudes. Where as 6-10 or 6-11 days of September in the if 5/6 slower  rotations in  temperate latitudes.